Sometime in the end of January our computer made a loud pop and turned off. We turned it back on and everything seemed to be working...until the day after Valentine's. Robb took it apart, cleaned it out the dust, and diagnosed the power supply as our problem. He ordered the part and we waited. It came, but still the computer refused to work. Robb narrowed the problem down to the motherboard (process of elimination). He ordered the part and we waited. In the interim we started a few new habits, like dance parties on the bed and snuggling down with a book before sleeping. The computer's back up and running, but I hope we keep up our new little routines.
:: Colby got his 3rd or 4th haircut (I'm starting to lose track) and we made the mistake of vacuuming the hair off him.
:: Play dates are the best (although this one happened while I was working, so I didn't get to enjoy it)
:: My husband makes chicken pot pie and looks good doing it
:: I made the BEST sugar cookies, but made the mistake of rolling them out on a pastry cloth and 75% of the dough refused to come off with the tenacity of cement. So I scraped it all back into the bowl and started over (although that didn't really work either because now dough was too warm...good thing the cookies were amazing).:: Robb's older brother, Brett, invited us over for birthday cake and ice cream. Colby's a pretty lucky boy to have such amazing uncles.
Robb helping Colby experience the face
:: Colby doesn't like to be carried around anymore, but he can't/won't walk on his own yet. This means we go on slow, but deliberate, strolls together now that things are beginning to thaw.
:: He makes me happy.:: This is the unofficial pre-nursery group. We meet every Sunday during the 3rd hour and it's nice to have company while climbing the stairs and wandering the halls with our grumpy kids.
:: Sunday waffles with some of my favorite people and a mini celebration of birthdays and Erin getting into grad school.
Colby loves his Uncle Jory
:: How we entertain ourselves in a small apartment:
:: And I worked this weekend. My favorite moment was hearing this conversation snippet:Patient: "Can I have the usual?"
Nurse: "Ice cream and cereal?"
Patient: "Yep."
And P.S. Daylight Savings Time takes on a whole new level of awful when work starts at 0600.
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